Before you read this, you're going to have to forget everything you have ever heard or read about diet and nutrition. Then you will have to open your mind -- ALL THE WAY! And then you'll need to remember that they have lied to us about most everything. Now you're ready to dig in!
What if I told you some of your favourite superfoods are actually hurting you. What if I told you we don’t need to eat them at all to survive? And what if we could thrive and live optimally without eating any fruits and veggies – at all!!
Turns out plants don’t want to be eaten and we don’t need to eat them! They produce toxic traps, innate toxins, even carcinogens to defend themselves from getting eaten! Yet humans continue to eat them even when we suffer toxic physical side effects. We are a species of slow learners!
Some health effects of ingesting plant toxins:
Hormone imbalance
Weight gain
Dry skin
Cold sensitivity
gut flora imbalances
Leaky gut
memory impairment
Kidney disease
mineral mal-absorption
Joint pain
Skin tags
Blurred vision
Headaches and migraine
Brain fog
Premature aging
Neurological disorders
Erectile dysfunction
Gut dysbiosis – heartburn
PCOS, vaginitis and vulvodynia
Anxiety and depression
Thyroid imbalance
and more
But you may wonder why we haven’t been given this information.
IN fact, we have been sold a lie. We are told that fruits and veggies are necessary for optimal health and that we should eat them multiple times per day. Sadly, that couldn’t be further from the truth!!!
By now we know that much of what we have been told by government, and the media has been lies. Over the decades, they have lied multiple times about things that were reported to be “safe and effective” to not be harmful or even promised to be good for our health. Case in point they used to say smoking was good for your health. Doctors recommended it!
A few examples on the long list of things that government and or big Pharma told us was not harmful and advocated for, promoted and even sold are below :
Cigarettes, Thalidomide, asbestos, mercury, lead, fluoride, Zantac 75 and sugar to name just a few
The government, in collusion with big food, big Pharma have lied to us in the past about what's good for us, so why do we find it so hard to believe that they would lie to us now about the proper human diet? Why do we assume that they wouldn't intentionally sell us something or deceive us into buying and ingesting something harmful, something toxic, and some thing that will eventually lead to us getting sicker and sicker over time? With the only known treatment or cure being pharmaceuticals
This is such a huge subject. And the rabbit hole is deep. But your government has been lying to you about what you should be eating as a human. They want you to think that red meat is harmful. They want you to think that salt is toxic. They tell you that sugar is not harmful, that wheat is recommended and that alcohol is ok in moderation. They want you to think that you need to be eating 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. So, how do we unpack the plethora of health and wellness, diet and nutrition lies? Where to start?
We can first start with the “fat makes you fat” lie. We can trace that back to Ancel, Keyes, and studies that he was later proven to have falsified. Even though the studies were fraudulent, they are still being cited today.
Nina Teicholz is a journalist who advocates easing restrictions on naturally-occurring fats, including so-called "saturated" fats, in the American diet. She is known for her work on fighting obesity, as well as for criticizing government reports and found herself in conflict with government agencies over her approach to health. She is a strong ally of the meat (beef) and dairy industry. She founded The Nutrition Coalition. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Big Fat Surprise, the product of research into hundreds of published scientific studies on nutrition and human health
The next lie to untangle is the lie that red meat is bad for you. The fortunate Fact of the matter is red meat is a health food. Red meat does not cause cancer. Red meat does not cause heart disease. Many of the “studies” used to make this claim were epidemiological, based on food FREQUENCY questionnaires where the participant was asked to remember how many times they ate red meat daily in the past year. And these studies included fast food hamburgers, pepperoni pizza as servings of red meat and did not factor in other, mostly poor diet and lifestyle choices. Again, cherry picking the data to suit the intended outcome.
“Public health officials for years have urged Americans to limit consumption of red meat and processed meats because of concerns that these foods are linked to heart disease, cancer and other ills. But recently an international collaboration of researchers produced a series of analyses concluding that the advice, a bedrock of almost all dietary guidelines, is not backed by good scientific evidence.
If there are health benefits from eating less beef and pork, they are small, the researchers concluded. Indeed, the advantages are so faint that they can be discerned only when looking at large populations, the scientists said, and are not sufficient to tell individuals to change their meat-eating habits.
“The certainty of evidence for these risk reductions was low to very low,” said Bradley Johnston, an epidemiologist at Dalhousie University in Canada and leader of the group publishing the new research in the Annals of Internal Medicine.”
A recent Harvard Study has shown great health benefits to people eating a meat only diet. The Harvard Carnivore Diet Study is a research study that investigated the effect of the carnivore diet on physical and mental health status123. The study involved 2029 participants aged 18 or over, who consumed a carnivore diet for more than 6 months.
Inversion of reality and facts
The other part of this equation which is an exact inversion of what should be considered a proper human diet, is that most fruits and vegetables contain innate toxins that when ingested in large quantities overtime are going to harm you, and eventually lead to an early death. And no, I'm not talking about pesticides and sprays and the difference between GMO and non-GMO. What I'm talking about is toxins that are inside the plants. Part of the very make up of the cells that are going to harm your body.
Some of these compounds are classified as anti-nutrients, meaning that if they do have a little bit of health benefit, the toxicity of the compound actually outweighs any benefit it may have. Some anti-nutrients actually sap or suck minerals out of your body. Many anti nutrients will bind other calcium or magnesium in your body and prevent absorption.
We can look at lectins, we can look at phytates, tannins and most harmful of all oxalate. And did you know that most vegetables also contain multiple carcinogens innate in the make up of the plants. Further, fruits, which are promoted as extreme health foods and given to children, toddlers and babies as some of their first foods actually cause drastic spikes in blood sugars and a taste or addiction to sweet foods at an early age. These frequent spikes in blood sugar which can lead to insulin resistance, a.k.a. pre diabetes. Wonder why we have an obesity problem? Fructose has been shown to cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease when eaten frequently.
The natural toxins in plants help protect the plants and create resistance to diseases and certain types of insects but also protect from animal or human ingestion. We need to be aware of the presence of natural toxins in these fruits and vegetables and the kinds of harms they can cause the human body and mind.
So let's talk about the different classifications of toxins in vegetables.
Nightshades are a classification of vegetables which can cause arthritis, joint pain, and other issues in humans.
Common nightshades, that we eat regularly are tomatoes, potatoes, peppers of all types, including hot peppers and eggplant. The toxins can be somewhat boiled or stewed out if you cook the offending vegetable for a very long time. For example, if you stew tomatoes or can them, the toxic properties do lessen. Further, if you eat them in season, and where geographically native, they are less toxic. Potatoes, on the other hand shouldn't be eaten at all. Remember when your grandma used to tell you not to eat that little green thing or the sprout on the potato because it was poisonous? Those toxic compounds exist in the entire potato.
In fact, several different toxins called glycoalkaloids are produced naturally by potatoes, the most common being solanine and chaconine. Exposure to elevated levels of glycoalkaloids when eating potatoes can cause a bitter taste or a burning sensation in the mouth - indicating a state of toxicity. Glycoalkaloids are not destroyed by cooking; even by frying in hot oil.
Some other toxins present in fruits and vegetables are:
The kernels within the pits of some stone fruits contain a natural toxin called cyanogenic glycoside. These fruits include apricots, cherries, peaches, pears, plums and prunes. The flesh of the fruit itself is not toxic. When kernels are chewed, cyanogenic glycoside can transform into hydrogen cyanide - which is poisonous to humans. The lethal dose of cyanide ranges from 0.5 to 3.0 mg per kilogram of body weight. This is why it is not recommended to eat the kernels inside the pits of stone fruits. Cyanogenic glycoside toxin is also found in the cassava root and fresh bamboo shoots, making it necessary to cook before canning or eating.
Phytic acid
People sometimes refer to phytic acid as an anti-nutrient, because it blocks the absorption of certain minerals into the body.
When you eat foods high in phytic acid, the molecules bind with certain minerals in your digestive tract, including:
* Calcium
* Magnesium
* Iron
* Zinc
* Chromium
* Manganese
Once this occurs, your body no longer has access to these nutrients. Generally, the more phytic acid you eat, the more minerals are blocked from your body.
Foods with high phytic acid content are grains, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, however Soaking overnight does seem to reduce some of the phytate
Saponins are a class of bitter-tasting compounds that produce soap-like foam when added to water. Most saponins occur naturally in plants, but some are manmade for scientific or industrial purposes.
Quinoa, oats, legumes and spinach are all full of saponins. Research shows that saponins in plant foods may interfere with the absorption and digestion of glucose, protein, and vitamins A, B12, D, and E.
Saponins also can destroy your gut and increase intestinal permeability — which is associated with almost every disease. According to the authors of a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, saponins have a phytoestrogenic effect and may act as an endocrine disruptor.
In men, endocrine disruptors can reduce testosterone levels, lower sperm count, and cause feminization.
A lectin, also known as the “antinutrient” is a type of protein that binds to certain carbohydrates. Just about every organism in the world, from plants to animals to microbes, contains lectins. grain- and soy-fed chickens, cows, pigs, and seafood contain lectins in their meat, milk, and eggs. You should opt for pastured (or grass-fed) meat; although grass still contains lectins, they contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats as opposed to the inflammatory omega-6 fats in corn and soy.
Lectins are dangerous because of how they bind to carbohydrates like sugar. You should avoid certain types of lectins due to a risk of
Certain types of lectins can prevent your body from absorbing other substances that have nutritional value.
Some sources of lectins are considered seriously poisonous. Castor beans, for example, contain a potent lectin poison called ricin.
Damage to the Digestive System
lectin may bind with the walls of your digestive system which can lead to serious problems. Lectin called phytohemagglutinin, can lead to severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Potential Risk of Auto-immune Response
Some veggies are goitrogenic. which means they are harmful for your thyroid. These cause:
Weight gain
Dry skin
Cold sensitivity
Goitrogens are foods that cause goiter — or swelling of the thyroid.
Goitrogens do this by interfering with iodine absorption in the thyroid. Iodine is required for thyroid hormone production. Without it, the thyroid cannot produce the T4 and T3 hormones.
All goitrogens are derived from naturally occurring plant pesticides called glucosinolates.
These goitrogenic chemicals are even too toxic for the plant to store. So they store them in an inactive glucosinolate form. But when the plant is cut, chewed or digested, plant pesticides turn your gut into a wasteland. There are over 120 known glucosinolates .
The chemical Broccoli produ ces, for instance, is called sulforaphane.
What is its function? Sulforaphane is a powerful insecticide and it can harm your cells. It poisons mitochondria -Generates free radicals -Damages thyroid functions -Depletes glutathione -Damages epithelial layer
Solanine is a poison found in species of the nightshade family such as the potato, the tomato (and the It can occur naturally in any part of the plant, including the leaves, fruit, and tubers. Solanine has pesticidal properties, and it is one of the plant's natural defenses.
Solanine poisoning is primarily gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, burning of the throat, cardiac dysrhythmia, nightmares, headache, dizziness, itching, eczema, thyroid problems, and inflammation and pain in the joints. In more severe cases, hallucinations, loss of sensation, paralysis, fever, jaundice, dilated pupils, hypothermia, and death have been reported.
Symptoms usually occur 8 to 12 hours after ingestion, but may occur as rapidly as 10 minutes after eating high-solanine foods.
Some studies show a correlation between the consumption of potatoes with blight (which increases solanine levels) and the incidence of congenital spina bifida in humans.
In large amounts, tannic acid can cause side effects such as stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, and liver damage. Regular consumption of herbs with high tannin concentrations seems to be associated with an increased chance of developing nose or throat cancer.
Tannins occur naturally in many plants, including apples, tea leaves and red wine. They are also added to certain foods during processing as a food preservative that helps maintain the color of some fruits and vegetables. Foods high in tannins include cranberries, black coffee beans, cocoa powder. Tannins can be neutralized by adding lemon juice or vinegar to the food, and then cooking it.
Acute, high-dose ingestion and absorption may cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, and liver damage. Severe intoxications may result in centralobular liver necrosis.
Oxalates are so toxic and oxalate toxicity so widespread, that oxalate deserves an
article of it’s own. But for now, lets get the gist of it. Oxalates are salts — minerals bound to oxalic acid, that plants use as a defense mechanism. Oxalates are tiny little glass-like shards that, once ingested lodge into tissues and organs such as skin, kidneys, thyroid, eyes and have to shred tissue and tear their way out of your body, damaging cells on the way out.
Oxalates can cause many other issues such as:
Kidney Stones: 80% of kidney stones made of calcium oxalates
Autism– oxalate blood levels are 3x higher in people with autism.
Reduced mineral absorption: oxalates bind to minerals like calcium and magnesium reducing how much you can absorb
Chronic Fatigue
Brain fog
Gum disease
Neurological disorders
Erectile dysfunction
Gut dysbiosis – heartburn
Anxiety and depression
Thyroid imbalance
Oxalates occur in over 200 plant families and in some plants comprise over 80% of the dry weight
Salicylates are a group of chemicals. They are derived from salicylic acid. In natural forms, they are found in plant foods.
High-salicylate foods and products don’t cause a problem for everyone, but in some, they can lead to salicylate intolerance and consequent symptoms and health issues. In a healthy body, your liver helps to detoxify excess salicylates, however, sluggish liver function may increase your risk of salicylate intolerance. Salicylates work similarly to oxalates. If your body reaches a high salicylate load and your body is unable to break down all the excess salicylates
Excess salicylates work very similarly in your body as excess oxalates. They can lead to inflammation, a compromised immune system, oxidative stress, poor mitochondrial function, cellular and tissue damage. This can result in a list of
symptoms and health issues
Although cancer-causing substances are often thought by the general public to be synthetic, there are numerous carcinogens that occur in nature, and in food plants. (Concon,1988)
For example, tannins occur widely in plant foods and we ingest them daily in tea, coffee, and cocoa. Tannic acid has caused liver tumors in experimental animals, and may be linked to esophageal cancer in humans.
Cycad plants are important food sources in tropical regions. Cycads contain cycasin and related azoxyglycosides that were found to cause liver and kidney tumors when fed to rats.
Safrole, which is a liver carcinogen in rats, is found in sassafras tea, cinnamin, cocoa (trace), nutmeg, and other herbs and spices.
Black pepper was found to be carcinogenic to experimental mice. Pyperadine and alpha-Methylpyrroline are secondary amines in black pepper which can be nitrosated to N-nitrosopiperadine, a strong carcinogen.
Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A are natural toxins made by fungal food contaminants that also cause cancer in animals and humans.
Some scientists maintain that research and regulatory resources have been too focussed on the problem of pesticide residues in food as potential carcinogens, while ignoring the problem of natural carcinogens. Perhaps the most well-known proponent of this opinion is Dr. Bruce Ames. Click here for a summary: POLLUTION, PESTICIDES, AND CANCER: MISCONCEPTIONS. Bruce N. Ames and Lois S. Gold.
How much do natural plant carcinogens contribute to the incidence of cancer in human populations? The answer is still unknown,
While fructose itself isn't considered a toxin, overconsumption of it can be harmful to your liver and continued overconsumption will result not only in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, but in insulin resistance, and pre-diabetes.
The problem comes from the amount of sugar consumed in today's diets. We were probably never in contact with as much sweet fruit before in history.
A good rule of thumb for most healthy people is at around 50 grams of fructose per day. Keeping in mind that most fruits are half glucose and half fructose, consuming over 100 grams of sugar from fruits every day can become problematic.
Fructose can only be metabolized by the liver and can't be used for energy by your body's cells. It's therefore not only completely useless for the body, but is also a toxin in high amounts
Excess fructose leads to insulin resistance in the liver as well as fatty liver disease. In fact, fructose has the same effects on the liver as alcohol which is a well known as a liver toxin.
Fructose reacts with proteins and polyunsaturated fats creates compounds that create oxidative damage in our cells contribute to inflammation Wrinkles and sagging skin!
Fructose increases uric acid production, which, in excess, can cause gout, kidney stones and precipitate or aggravate hypertension.
Excess fructose can create gut flora imbalances, promote bacterial overgrowth and promote the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
chronic excess fructose causes dyslipidemia -- a risk for heart disease.
Fructose rapidly causes leptin resistance -- a hormone that controls appetite and metabolism can cause all the problems associated with the metabolic syndrome (diabetes, obesity, heart disease).
Cancer cells thrive and proliferate very well with fructose as their energy source.
Excess fructose also affects brain functioning, impairs memory
So, as you can see, the belief often parroted by Social Media and MSM as well as your doctors, nutritionists and dietitians, that fruits and vegetables are a staple of a healthy diet is all wrong. Not only are they not the healthiest foods in the world, many of them are simply bad for you. This is because any potential beneficial vitamin, mineral or nutrient isn't bioavailable due to the anti-nutrients contained within them! In fact, the recommendation that humans should be eating five {or more} servings of fruits and vegetables per day is some of the most harmful dis-information we have been given!
This is why 10s of thousands of people have benefited from the carnivore diet — a diet with 0 vegetables and plants. Carnivore is the ultimate elimination diet and is highly recommend to treat and cure any chronic health conditions.
Just for perspective here, I'm not saying that you have to eliminate all plants. I just want us to be aware that plants do contain toxins, and we are not meant to be eating these multiple times a day. It's certainly OK to eat one here and there. And same with fruit - you can eat a little bit of fruit throughout your day. But don't eat it every day. Certainly don't give it to your kids every day.
If you have any kind of chronic health condition, especially if your doctors are baffled as to the cause, treatment or cure, then try eliminating toxic plants for 30-90 days and see how you feel!
A good rule of thumb would be to add more meat to your diet, first. Prioritize protein. And then add or keep some less toxic vegetables after that. And then fruit can be added on occasion as kind of a treat.
This idea that you need to be eating fruits and vegetables multiple times a day needs to be replaced with the idea that plants are toxic in high amounts and that meat is a health food. Use plants for what they were intended, medicinals. And use meat and animal protein and fat for nutrition. I promise you will feel better than you ever have in your life.
Lori-Anne Victoria
May 25 2023
Sally K Norton
Elliot Overton
Paul Saladinho
Dr Anthony Chaffee
Judy Cho
Dr Shawn Baker
Dr Ken Berry